My "Goodbye Post" Was Rejected Too

[Here is a final bit of unintentional humor. This is the verbatim rejection slip I received from one of the moderators of the site, when I tried to post a "goodbye" note referring people to TheMassLine web site. (My attempted posting is appended to his message.) You will note that he charges me with "intending" my submission to be "unpostable" and for it to be rejected. This is not true. I hoped that it would be posted, since I truly would like to somehow make it known to the visitors to their site that I have some things to say that they won't let me say there. Of course the thing that censors are most concerned of all to censor is the fact that they are doing any censoring!

I also find "Zanj's" invitation to make further "contributions" to their web site slightly amusing.]

Subj: On your recent post
Date: 5/12/02 1:53:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Zanj Vanoy)

I regret your last post. It is written to be unpostable -- and so as
you intended, it will not be posted.

We have tried to give you an opportunity to express your views and
contribute. And certainly we believe it is important to stay with this

I hope you reconsider your threat to withdraw from the discussion.

Feel free to return whenever you see an issue you want to contribute on.

Change the World!

rejected post:

Subject: don't post
Posted by: Scott H. on 2002-12-05 14:32
To "naxalite" and everyone--

On May 7th, I submitted a response to this posting of yours, but the
moderator refused to post it. I have now made my response available on
my own web site at:

For the moderator's reasons for refusing to post my response, together
with my interspersed rebuttals, see:

This will be my last posting to the site
(assuming, of course, that the moderator is willing to post it!). Any
further responses I may have to what is said here will be posted on my
mass line web site (see above), where I am able to freely express my

I wish to thank those who have taken the time to debate these issues
with me. It has proven to be quite enlightening about the current
attitudes of the RCP and its supporters toward the mass line and
related questions. I will certainly be referring to such views in my
future writings.

--Scott H.

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